Global Insight Conferences – 14 Years of Unquestionable Quality

Robust Resilience & Business Continuity Strategies 

Develop New, Comprehensive Resilience Frameworks To Demonstrate Targeted Cyber & AI Defences, Mitigate Third-Party Risks & Embed Continuity Cultures To Weather The Storm Of Emerging & Future Threats

A One-Day, Cross-Sector, Industry-Led Conference & Networking Exhibition | 6th June 2024 | Hallam Conference Centre, London

08.30 Registration, Informal Networking & GIC Opening Remarks

09.10 Morning Chair’s Opening Remarks

Terry Downing, Head of Operational Resilience, Mastercard


09.20 Tighten Technical Vulnerabilities With Practical Defence Solutions & Instant-Action Responses Which Deliver Holistic Cyber Security Strategies

  • Where are the gaps in your armour? Identify blind spots, both technical and human, to reassess cyber resilience plans, protect critical assets and strengthen areas of concern
  • In the case of a data breach, do your employees know how to respond instantly? Analyse your comms response to create a unified approach and watertight strategy
  • With the rise of hyper-intelligent ransomware, create effective horizon scanning strategies to stay ahead of the hackers
  • Technical strategies are vital, but what does this mean business-wide? Prevent disjointed silos by developing holistic cyber responses and strengthen your operational resilience framework

Chris Day, Group Head of Operational Resilience, Royal London


Maintain Momentum!

09.40 Your Plans Are Only As Good As Your People! Develop A Culture Of Resilience With Effective Training & Response Programmes To Ensure Your Team Can Weather Any Storm & Come Out Stronger

  • Generate feedback to get employees fully on board with scenario planning to deliver unified business emergency responses, show a united front and impart the importance of action to everyone
  • That’s not my job! From good data and digital habits to cybersecurity and the unplannable… how can you get every team member to understand their role in safeguarding ongoing business operations?
  • Culture is one of the hardest things to measure in organisations, so how can the results of resiliency culture programmes be fully comprehended?

Dominic Rastelli-Lewis, Head of the Cyber & Operational Resilience Unit, HM Treasury

Paul Goulding, Group Head of Operational Resilience, Bupa

Pete Johnson, Product Development Business Continuity Lead, Roche Products Limited

 Araba Cole, Director Crisis & Continuity Management, GSK

Mike Sutliff, Senior Lecturer- Innovation & Change, Cranfield University

10.10 Bonus Session; Reserved For Cutover

10.40 Morning Refreshment Break With Informal Networking


11.10 The Path To Continuity: From Everyday Communications To Crisis Response, Designing & Integrating Operational Resilience Frameworks Which Anchor The Business To Survive & Succeed During Changing Times

  • Looking at the bigger picture: effectively integrate business resilience and crisis management into your operations to facilitate proactive strategies both in emergencies and peacetime
  • Get every business department on the same page! Ensure absolute clarity and comprehension across the business to deliver time-critical crisis comms with consistency
  • Taking time to reassess: continuously test and review your processes and develop in-depth data frameworks that can adapt and improve for the next emergency

11.10 Perspective 1: Sandra Ringaile, Operational Resilience Lead, Hiscox

11.30 Perspective 2: James Hankey CSyP, Global Head of Safety, Security & Continuity, The British Council


Vital Lessons Leant

11.50 For Crises You Predict & The Ones That You Don’t… Prepare Adaptive & Reflexive Scenario Testing That Ensures Rapid Crisis Response

  • Looking externally: are third parties and stakeholders on board with your crisis plan? Inform and prepare comprehensive guides to ensure educated reactions
  • Testing is key! Develop tailored and realistic scenario testing to highlight weaknesses and heighten preparation
  • Integrate informative feedback loops and self-assessment strategies that step beyond static emergency plans and feed into dynamic framework to assess success

Harry Conibear-Griffiths, Senior Manager – Business Resilience, Virgin Atlantic

Ross Cameron, Head of Regulatory Developments, NatWest Group

Ashleigh Morgan, Head of Operational Risk and Business Resilience, easyjet

Dr. Andrea Riepe, Head of Corporate Affairs, DACH, Haleon


12.20 Full Oversight & Rigorous Control: Remove Risks & Ensure Business Continuity With Effective Third-Party Management Strategies

  • What should you prioritise in selecting a supplier and how should you use this to inform comprehensive onboarding and due diligence process?
  • Prevent and mitigate: when a third party goes bust prepare a robust back-up to minimise business damage and maintain continuity
  • The importance of collaboration: open communication pathways with your suppliers for increased understanding and collaboration on resilience strategies
  • What about fourth parties? Trace the third-party chain to assess the extent of your vulnerabilities and prepare flexible responses to any outcome to avoid unexpected surprises

Speaker coming soon!

12.40 Lunch & Informal Networking For Speakers, Delegates & Partners

13.10 Peer-To-Peer Discussions

         a) Scenario Testing

            Tobias Nadal, Resilience Testing Lead, Fidelity International

         b) Outsourcing

              Harry Conibear-Griffiths, Senior Manager – Business Resilience, Virgin Atlantic

         c) Extreme Weather

         d) Health & Safety

13.40 Afternoon Co-Chair’s Opening Remarks

Paul Goulding, Group Head of Operational Resilience, Bupa

Veronique Mizgailo, Head of Business Continuity, University College London


13.50 Choose the networking stream with regulation updates relevant to your business

a. Financial Services: Main Conference Room

As The March 2025 FCA Deadline Looms, Refine Your Comprehensive Business Resilience Roadmap To Compliance Through Understanding What Regulators Are Looking For, How To Deliver Complete Consumer Confidence & Unlocking The Benefits To Your Business

  • Embedding in entirety: how can operational resilience frameworks be in the bones of a business and embedded as a mindset?
  • What is the cost of resilience? How should businesses approach investment in resilience frameworks and develop effective data analysis to assess ROI?
  • Successful assessment: stay knowledgeable on evolving regulator criteria and create gold-standard self-assessment techniques to ensure compliance

Michael Godwin, Head of Operational Resilience, Shawbrook Bank Limited

b. Travel & Transport – Business Continuity In The Face Of COVID, Conflict & Cost-Of-Living: Networking Room

c. Venues & Events – Martyn’s Law: Networking Room


14.30 Frequent Back-Ups, High Security & Rapid Recovery Tactics To Confidently Protect Enterprise Data & Cloud Storage To Preserve Organisational Confidence, Safeguard Customers & Maintain Business Continuity

  • What are the ransomware, phishing and hacking trends? Develop effective horizon scanning to stay ahead of attackers and protect vital assets and sensitive information
  • Determine your essentials: if you can’t back-up everything how do you prioritise your core business operations?
  • Create concise communication strategies with the rest of the business to stress the value of data protection and strengthen your cyber resilience internally

Jason Maude, Chief Technology Advocate, Starling Bank

14.50 Bonus Session; Reserved For Exclusive Conference Partner

15.20 Afternoon Refreshment Break With Informal Networking


15.50 Deep dive roundtables covering key risk strategies

a. Supply Chain Resilience: COVID-19, Ukraine, Climate Change… Learn From The Past & Prepare For The Unknown To Ensure Minimum Disruption Through Robust Supply Chain Strategies

  • In others’ hands? Effectively assess and track risks in your third-party suppliers to mitigate external risk in your supply chain
  • Maximise your options through diversifying your suppliers to increase continuation no matter the issue
  • Reduce the long-term impacts on your infrastructure and facilities through firm disaster recovery frameworks to increase reliability.

b. Climate & Sustainability: With extreme weather predictions getting more unpredictable, how can businesses mitigate the impact on their operations and proactively work towards greener business practices?

c. AI & New Technologies: As businesses increasingly adopt AI and new technologies – are we potentially opening a can of worms from a business continuity perspective?


Embedded Risk Planning

16.20 Define The Key Emerging Threats For Resilience Professionals & Protect Organisations Against Future Challenges

  • What’s coming next? What key threats are emerging and how they can be integrated into enterprise risk frameworks?
  • Just in case: understand how to prepare for the scenarios you hope will never happen and gain confidence from stakeholders on the extent of preparation
  • With the world changing at break-neck speed, develop in-depth and adaptive horizon scanning both internally and externally to prevent unexpected issues
  • Creating collaboration: develop a unified end-to-end crisis preparation strategy through reduced internal silos and open communication with third party partners and stakeholders

Mike Beal, Head of Risk & Assurance, Heathrow Airport

Yasser ElMasry, Global Head Enterprise Risk Management, Business Continuity & Emergency Management, Sandoz

 Edward Odofin, Global Business Resilience Specialist, BBC

16.50 Afternoon Co-Chair’s Closing Remarks

Paul Goulding, Group Head of Operational Resilience, Bupa

Veronique Mizgailo, Head of Business Continuity, University College London

17.00 Official Close Of Conference